Accurate and fast diameter, length and curl measurement
Accurate and fast diameter, length and curl measurement
​Diamlength is an automated fibre diameter, length, and curl measurement instrument. Measuring fibre diameter less than 1um and fibre length to 15mm, it can measure up to 100,000 fibres in less than a minute. It is ideal for measuring glass, carbon, basalt, aramid and other synthetic fibres. This powerful instrument saves time and money while preventing measurement errors and improving quality control. The system reports and records its measurements for easy data logging and report writing.

Diamlength Technology
Diameter and length measurement are typically measured using optical microscopes, optical comparators and rulers. Inevitably these methods involve errors due to individual differences among operators, measurement conditions and a small sample size. The process is also slow and tedious.
Diamlength uses digital camera technology and image processing technology. The fibres traverse across a set of imaging plates that also form as the flute to suck up the fibres from the beaker. The fibres are illuminated by a high-powered, precise LED light source in less than 1 microsecond for each image. Sophisticated software algorithms detect and measure all the fibres in the image. Each fibre is measured multiple times along its length to reduce any variations in the diameter.

Identifying long fibers

Accurate fiber following and analysis

Analysis of 6mm chopped PP fiber
The measurement process starts by dropping the fibres into the water in the glass beaker. Diamlength will then do the rest: disperse, measure and self-clean.
Simplicity with less chance of human error.
Reliable with minimal maintenance.
Key benefits of Diamlength
Diameter: fibre diameter significantly affects the flexural properties of fibre reinforced composites and the uniformity of the glass weave for printed circuit boards.
Length: fibre length is a main parameter that determines the properties and processability of fibre composites. Fibre lengths affect strength, modulus, impact resistance and wear resistance, however the effect of long fibres increases the difficulty of processing.
Understand fibre properties to a level that has not been possible before.
Greater control of fibre quality and avoidance of costly mistakes at the manufacturing stage.
Reliable monitoring and timely detection of defects for scheduling repairs and maintenance.
Easy to use with no operator bias.
Accurate and repeatable results.
Records images and generates trending information on fibre mean and distribution for research and development.