Precise online monofilment diameter measurement
MFX is a technology that allows rapid high resolution measurement of the diameter and defects of monofilaments. MFX is based on intelligent image analysis of a line scan digital video sensor to greatly improve accuracy over previous laser and shadow based technology.
A profound technical knowledge, experience in the market as well as close collaboration with the customs guarantee professional handling of every project.
The software records data, generates trending information and label printouts for the product.

Technology Features
Non contact measurement makes non destructive measurements and easy material handling
No moving parts to ensure high reliability
Ultra high speed to detect short defects
Customised software facility
The most cost effective system on the market
Compact design allows fast integration into production lines
Excellent resistance to dust and dirt particles
Multiple digital outputs for multiple defect alarms
Labels print out for spool identification and defect print out for quality control

Visual display of yarn

Numerical display of yarn

Alarms can be used to trigger upper and lower diameter limits to immediately notify the operators of any change in the process
Broken fibres
Thick, thin, surface measurement
Diameter distribution
All data can be exported to spreadsheets for analysis
Defect image captured by MFX
Slub test